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Live Supervision:
Systemic Supervision in Action

This two-day workshop helps professionals to develop more specialist knowledge and skills in the application of family therapy practice.  Participants must have completed foundational family therapy training (e.g., Key Skills in Family Therapy) and will apply these skills via live supervision of clinical practice.  Participants will refresh on key systemic concepts, learn intervention skills for using a one-way mirror in therapy, and experience live supervision.

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The workshop is interactive, dynamic, experiential, and self-reflective in nature.  


Specifically, the workshop covers the following:

Day 1

  • Review of key concepts.

  • Case consultation to link theory to practice.

  • Introduction to live supervision (first generation and second generation interventions).

  • Practice using a live supervision format.


Day 2

  • Live supervision of clinical practice.

    • Pre-planning stage​.

    • Session.

    • De-brief.

  • Opportunity for 2 clinical sessions​.

To arrange this workshop for your organisation, please contact Dr Kate Owen at or 0408528380.

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