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Systemic Integrative Practice Masterclass

This one-day workshop is aimed at practitioners who work with children, young people, adults, couples, families and/or organisations who provide counselling, family therapy or systemic support to in counselling, mental health, or community services.

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This is an advanced and applied training workshop for participants who have systemic family therapy training and experience.  In this workshop participants will review family therapy as a framework for practice, and revisit systemic thinking core concepts and change processes.  Building on this shared understanding of systemic family therapy, the workshop will then teach the Systemic Meta-Framework for Integrative practice, a process map to support clinicians in intentional practice, and the provision of individualised interventions tailored to the client’s unique circumstances and needs.  


The workshop links theory to practice with a focus on clinical case discussions using the model of integrative practice and is interactive, dynamic, experiential, and self-reflective. 


To arrange this workshop for your organisation, please contact Dr Kate Owen at or 0408528380.

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